Bosch Rexroth – Assembly Technology

Aluminium Assembly Systems

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VarioFlow plus chain conveyor system

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Assembly and Workstation Systems

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Transfer systems

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Bosch Rexroth

Aluminium Assembly Systems

Bosch Rexroth aluminium profiles are modular solutions that enable the quick and straightforward creation of structures such as machine frames, ergonomic workstations, assembly stations, and safety enclosures. These solutions are designed for industries including automotive, consumer electronics, household appliances, manufacturers of consumer electronics, window hardware, and FMCG (including food and pharmaceutical sectors).

  • Certified Partner of Bosch Rexroth in Poland
  • We are convinced of the high quality of the aluminium profiles as we develop applications for industry based on Bosch Rexroth system components, which are a great basis for the construction of machinery and equipment

We offer the full range of Bosch Rexroth products:

  • Aluminium profiles – more than 120 different cross-sections
  • Fasteners and accessories for aluminium profiles (connection screws, quick-action fasteners, angles)
  • We have our own warehouse with the most popular aluminium profiles and fasteners – fast delivery of orders
  • Quality guarantee – ISO 9001:2015 system implemented.
  • Modularity – ease of designing solutions and their subsequent modifications
  • Unlimited possibilities in building systems and structures based on Bosch Rexroth aluminium profiles
  • Free MTpro and FRAMEpro software solutions for easy system design
  • Easy and quick installation requiring no skilled workers or special tools
  • Protection against electrostatic discharge (ESD protection).
  • Robustness and stability of the designed solutions
  • Compliance with standards and regulations.
  • Anodised, corrosion-resistant profiles.
  • Aesthetics – “Designline” connection elements (with silver coating) and profiles with semi-closed grooves to enhance the visual appeal of the structure
  • Mobility – possibility to equip the structure with swivel castors

At Automationstechnik, we offer cutting of ready-to-assemble components with profile ends that require no further processing. Additionally, we add stickers on the profiles indicating their lengths, eliminating the need for additional measurements and saving valuable time.

Technical parameters
Application area
Profile nameDimensions (mm)Lenght max (mm)Slot size (mm)Catalogue
Profile 2020×20  / 20×4030006Download
Profile 3030×30 / 30×6060708Download
Profile 4040×40 / 40×80 / 80×80607010Download
Profile 4545x45L/ 45×45 / 45x90L / 45×90 / 90x90L / 90×90607010Download
Profile 60                 60×60 / 60x60L607010Download


Pełna oferta

Elementy złączne


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Bosch Rexroth


Mobile robots Active Shuttle Bosch Rexroth automate and standardize the internal flow of materials and goods. They are easily and quickly implemented without the need to adapt existing plant infrastructure. They provide fully automatic, efficient transport of loads weighing up to 260 kg. Transparent management of Active Shuttle mobile robots is possible through the ACTIVE Shuttle Management System (AMS).

  • Plug & Go – an easy-to-implement system
  • No need for changes to the factory infrastructure
  • Easy creation and configuration of logistic scenarios
  • 3D obstacle detection: 2 stereo cameras installed in Active Shuttle robots
  • ESD protection
  • Prioritization and optimal distribution of pending transport orders to available ACTIVE Shuttle vehicles
  • Efficient coordination of transport operations managed by the traffic control center
  • Live mapping: Changes in the work environment are automatically detected by moving vehicles and communicated to the entire fleet
  • Fully automatic charging process
  • User-friendly interface in a web browser
Technical parameters
Application area


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Bosch Rexroth

VarioFlow plus chain conveyor system

Efficient and standardized chain conveyor system for use in the FMCG, packaging, pharmaceutical, assembly lines in the automotive and electronic sectors, and machine linking.

Available in aluminium and stainless steel.

Ability to transport products horizontally and vertically on the conveyor (Wedge-type conveyor).

VarioFlow plus can be equipped with VarioFlow pallets to transport products unsuitable for stacking or those that are not stable due to their geometry.

Prevention of electrostatic charges through a combination of aluminum, stainless steel, and special ESD components.

Ability to create buffers in small spaces using spiral conveyors for vertical product transport.

  • Certified Partner of Bosch Rexroth in Poland
  • Over 25 years of experience in developing applications based on Bosch Rexroth solutions
  • We are confident in the high quality of aluminum profiles as we create industrial applications based on Bosch Rexroth system components, providing an excellent foundation for building machines and equipment
  • We maintain our own warehouse stocked with the most popular aluminum profiles and connecting elements, which can be used in the construction of chain conveyors
  • Quality assurance – implemented ISO 9001:2015 system
  • Free engineering software MTpro, enabling customers to plan and create estimates and documentation for conveyor systems. By using the software, both the client and our company can work in the same environment, facilitating and expediting project realization
Technical parameters
Application area


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Bosch Rexroth

Assembly and Workstation Systems

We design individual Assembly and Workstations based on Bosch Rexroth solutions that enable:

  • Ergonomic workplaces manifested in taking care of the employee and reducing the amount of waste generated in production
  • Lean manufacturing: avoiding waste and continually improving production processes (unnecessary movements by operators do not add any value to the production process, they only waste time and put additional strain on the employees)
  • Protection against electrostatic discharges


  • Certyfikowany Partner Bosch Rexroth w Polsce 
  • Jesteśmy przekonani o wysokiej jakości profili aluminiowych gdyż aplikacje dla przemysłu tworzymy w oparciu o elementy systemu Bosch Rexroth, które stanowią świetną bazę do budowy maszyn i urządzeń
  • Posiadamy własny magazyn z najbardziej popularnymi profilami aluminiowymi oraz elementami złącznymi – do wykorzystania przy konstruowaniu stanowisk montażowych i roboczych
  • Gwarancja jakości – wdrożony system ISO 9001:2015.
  • Ponad 25 lat doświadczenia w tworzeniu aplikacji opartych o rozwiązania Bosch Rexroth
  • Bezpłatne oprogramowanie inżynierskie MTpro, które umożliwia klientom planowanie oraz tworzenie kosztorysów i dokumentacji systemów montażowych – korzystając z oprogramowania obie strony – klient i nasza firma – mogą pracować w jednym środowisku co ułatwia i przyspiesza realizację projektu
  • Modułowość – łatwość w projektowaniu rozwiązań oraz ich późniejszych modyfikacji
  • Szeroka gama profili i akcesoriów – nieograniczone możliwości w budowie stanowisk roboczych i montażowych ( oświetlenie do stacji roboczych, źródła zasilania, mechanizmy regulacji wysokości, rozwiązania do dostarczania informacji i porządkowania narzędzi)
  • Darmowe rozwiązania programistyczne MTpro i FRAMEpro umożliwiające łatwe projektowanie systemów.
  • Łatwy i szybki montaż nie wymagający wykwalifikowanych pracowników ani specjalistycznych narzędzi.
  • Zabezpieczenie przed wyładowaniami elektrostatycznymi (ochrona przed ESD).
  • Wytrzymałość i stabilność projektowanych rozwiązań
  • Zgodność z normami i przepisami.
  • Mobilność – możliwość wyposażenia konstrukcji w koła obrotowe.
Technical parameters
Application area


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Bosch Rexroth

Transfer systems

Modular and cost-effective Bosch Rexroth transport systems are suitable for almost any solution. At Automationstechnik, we design lines based on Bosch Rexroth pallet systems for transporting both small, lightweight products (TS 1 system with a pallet weight of up to 3 kg) and large components (TS 5 system with a weight of up to 400 kg). We also offer special systems for the photovoltaic sector.

Rodzaje systemów transportowych:

TS1 Transfer System:

Designed for small, lightweight products and assemblies that require high precision positioning and repeatability (pallet weight up to 3 kg).

Industries: automotive, electronic with ESD requirements, medical, optical, etc.


TS 2plus Transfer System:

Intended for transporting pallets with a weight of up to 240 kg.

Industries: automotive, electronic, medical, etc.


TS 2pv Transfer System:

Based on the pallet transport system technology of TS 2plus – specifically designed for the needs of the photovoltaic sector for transporting photovoltaic modules built with thin-film silicon cells.

Industries: Production of photovoltaic cells and thin-film solar modules.


ACTIVE Mover Linear Motor Transfer System:

Driven by a linear motor, this solution is for exceptionally fast and precise transport of products.

Ideal for transporting and positioning products in processes that require accuracy, speed, and flexibility.

Industries: electronic, pharmaceutical, cosmetic, medical, etc.


TS 5 Roller Conveyor System – designed for transporting loads weighing 400 kg and more, even over long distances.
Industries: assembly lines in the automotive sector, battery assembly, assembly of large electrical devices, etc.


TS 7 Roller Conveyor System – an intelligent system for assembling battery packs weighing over 1000 kg. Adapted to special safety and environmental protection requirements.
Industries: assembly of battery packs.

Technical parameters
Application area


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or you have questions, please contact us


Optimize your processes with Automationstechnik

We have been improving and optimizing production processes for 25 years. Check why it is worth working with us.

Ikona certyfikat

The ISO 9001:2015 certificate confirms the quality of the solutions provided

Ikona kciuk

Over 25 years of experience in the design and construction of machines and assembly lines

ikona uścisk dłoni

We identify and solve problems by ensuring the required KPIs in production.

ikona proces

We accompany the client from the first sketch to implementation and implementation of solutions.


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ul. Rzemieślnicza 20A, 30-363 Kraków

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